Houston based artist, Madeleine Lance, has been actively producing artwork in a variety of black and white mediums to emphasize her message of life questioning concepts. Growing out of her own personal history, she blends the ideas of pain and beauty, which represent the light and dark moments along the human journey. As every person struggles with feeling hopeless, Madeleine is inspired by the trials of life and finds passion in making them beautiful.
Madelene received her bachelor’s degree in studio arts from the Glassell School of Art through the University of St. Thomas, where she also minored in Philosophy. Her approach to art stems from a metaphysical theme that creates a personal connection with the audience. Individually and collaboratively, Madeleine has actively pursued her career, both organizing and producing work for pop-up exhibitions in the Houston area. At the same time, Madeleine has developed a dedicated group of supporters who frequently commission her work in a range of media. Her ability to communicate light in a world of darkness, engages an audience of all demographics to find answers in their own life from a single work of art.